Registering for a Nevada SuperBook Account

To register for a Nevada SuperBook account, you must sign up in person at the Westgate Las Vegas SuperBook.

You will need to complete an application, have a valid government issued photo ID (Driver's License, Military ID, or Passport) and provide a Social Security Card or complete a W9 form.

A minimum deposit of one hundred dollars ($100) to required to open up an account. We accept cash or Westgate gaming chips. All deposits and withdrawals are made at the Westgate Las Vegas SuperBook during normal operating hours.

To download the mobile app:

  • For iOS (iPhone, iPad), go to the Apple App Store and search for Westgate Sports.


  • For Android Devices, go to Westgate Sports on your mobile device and scroll down until you see the box that says "Download for Android Devices on the right-hand side of the screen.


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