Trouble Signing into the SuperBook mobile app

Arizona SuperBook Mobile App

To login to your Arizona app, please use the user name you created when creating your account.

Resetting/Changing your Arizona SuperBook password


Colorado SuperBook Mobile App

To login to your Colorado app, please use the user name you created when creating your account.

Resetting/Changing your Colorado SuperBook password


Iowa SuperBook Mobile App

To login to your Arizona app, please use the user name you created when creating your account.

Resetting/Changing your Iowa SuperBook password


Maryland SuperBook Mobile App

To login to your Arizona app, please use the user name you created when creating your account.

Resetting/Changing your Maryland SuperBook password


Nevada SuperBook Mobile App

Signing up for our Nevada app must take place in person.  Please review Registering for a Nevada SuperBook Account for additional details.

Use your account number to sign into the app.  Your account number is the same as your Player's Card number.


New Jersey SuperBook Mobile App

To login to your New Jersey app, please use the user name you created when creating your account.

Resetting/Changing your New Jersey SuperBook Password


Ohio SuperBook Mobile App

To login to your New Jersey app, please use the user name you created when creating your account.

Resetting/Changing your Ohio SuperBook Password


Tennessee SuperBook Mobile App

To login to your Arizona app, please use the user name you created when creating your account.

Resetting/Changing your Tennessee SuperBook password


Contact Us

If you have forgotten your password and need it reset or forgotten your account number/user name, please contact us at 

To expedite your request, please include the following information:

Full first and last name on your account
Date of Birth
Your Zip Code

Account Number/User Name (if you have it)
Wagering Location (Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Maryland, Nevada, New Jersey, Tennessee, Virginia)

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